
No resistance Learn more about No resistance

  • High-yielding tomato planting techniques: what are the seeds of high-yielding tomato varieties?

    High-yielding tomato planting techniques: what are the seeds of high-yielding tomato varieties?

    What are the high-yielding tomato seeds?

  • Introduction to the characteristics of a new high-yielding pumpkin variety Hualien Yazu No.2-Youwang and a new disease-resistant pumpkin variety

    Introduction to the characteristics of a new high-yielding pumpkin variety Hualien Yazu No.2-Youwang and a new disease-resistant pumpkin variety

    The Agricultural improvement Farm of Hualien District of the Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan and the world-class Asian vegetable-World vegetable Center have developed a new pumpkin disease-resistant variety "Hualien Yazu No.2-Youwang", which can resist two kinds of virus. one of the parents is the strong virus-resistant variety Hualien Yazu No.1-Tai.

    2019-06-12 High yield pumpkin new variety Hualien Yazu No.2 Youwang disease resistance
  • What are the fine varieties of walnuts? Introduction of early-bearing and late-bearing walnut varieties

    What are the fine varieties of walnuts? Introduction of early-bearing and late-bearing walnut varieties

    Walnut is a well-known nut, in recent years, more and more walnut planting friends, and for walnut farmers, a reasonable arrangement of time for planting can achieve better economic benefits. Walnuts in China are divided into early fruiting varieties and late fruiting varieties.

    2020-11-27 Walnut all have which excellent varieties early fruiting varieties late fruiting
  • Which cucumber variety is more resistant? These 6 varieties have high yield and few diseases and insect pests!

    Which cucumber variety is more resistant? These 6 varieties have high yield and few diseases and insect pests!

    Cucumber is a common fruit and vegetable in daily life, which is very popular because of its crisp taste and high edible value. Anyone who knows cucumbers knows that there are many varieties of cucumbers, so what are the varieties of cucumbers? Next, let's take an inventory of cucumber varieties with good disease resistance in the market. 1. Middle peasants

    2020-11-27 Cucumber variety which comparison disease resistance this this variety high yield and
  • A new variety of Longjiao-Longjiao No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 6

    A new variety of Longjiao-Longjiao No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 6

    Variety introduction 1, Longjiao No. 1: strong growth potential, strong fruit setting ability, more fruit per plant. The fruit is horn-shaped, green, smooth and glossy, fruit length 22-23cm, shoulder width 2.0cm, meat thickness 0.25cm, single fruit weight 30-45g, good commodity, storage and transportation resistance, spicy taste, good quality, generally yield about 4000 kg per mu, anti-virus disease, strong cold tolerance. The main characteristics of this variety are strong disease resistance, high yield, long fruit, large fruit, good marketability of fruit and suitable for the whole.

  • Where is the producing area of black beauty watermelon?

    Where is the producing area of black beauty watermelon?

    Where is the producing area of black beauty watermelon?

  • Shengtai No. 1 (Rice)

    Shengtai No. 1 (Rice)

    Shengtai No. 1 is a new variety with high quality, super high yield and disease resistance, which was bred by the cross between Shengyou 2, a super high yield rice variety of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Thai high quality soft rice variety Taiyin 1. The characteristic characteristics of Shengtai No. 1 are thick and straight leaves, green color, early growth and early growth in the early stage, green branches and drafts in the later stage, good ripe color, ideal morphological structure of stems and leaves, developed root system, fast elongation rate, deep and wide distribution, strong vigor, no premature senescence, strong fertilizer resistance and lodging resistance. the effect of increasing fertilizer is good. Strong resistance to stress and disease, and strong cold resistance in early seedling stage.

  • Where is the origin of the latest black beauty watermelon?

    Where is the origin of the latest black beauty watermelon?

    Black beauty watermelon is one of the common watermelon varieties, oval, pure black peel, red flesh, tender and juicy flesh, very popular, so do you know where the black beauty watermelon is from? Next, let's take a look at the black beauty with the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest black beauty watermelon origin have where
  • A New Variety of Pleurotus ostreatus-- Kangdi No.2

    A New Variety of Pleurotus ostreatus-- Kangdi No.2

    "Disease resistant No. 2" is a new wide-temperature Pleurotus ostreatus variety successfully bred by single spore hybridization. it has stable biological characters, strong resistance to miscellaneous bacteria, fast mushroom emergence, good mushroom shape, transportation resistance and high yield. It is an excellent strain on the market in autumn, winter and spring. Its main characteristics are as follows: 1. Resistance to yellow mushroom disease: in the environment where yellow mushroom disease or spot disease, dead mushroom and wilt mushroom occurred in the first tide-2 tide of other black varieties, "disease resistant No. 2" could produce mushroom continuously for 5 ~ 6 tides without any disease. 2. Resistance to heavy water: in the process of production management

  • Break Fusarium wilt ~ cowpea no longer see money die! Kaohsiung agricultural reform farm pushes disease-resistant grafted seedlings and uses less drugs for disease resistance.

    Break Fusarium wilt ~ cowpea no longer see money die! Kaohsiung agricultural reform farm pushes disease-resistant grafted seedlings and uses less drugs for disease resistance.

    Break Fusarium wilt ~ cowpea no longer see money die! Kaohsiung agricultural reform farm pushes disease-resistant grafted seedlings and uses less drugs for disease resistance.

  • What is non-resistant farming and resistant farming? These precautions should be known!

    What is non-resistant farming and resistant farming? These precautions should be known!

    In recent years, the number of animal husbandry in China has increased rapidly. However, at present, many frequent food safety incidents are related to animal products, which makes China's animal husbandry have the embarrassment of being big but not strong.

    2020-11-11 No resistance breeding resistance what is it these points for attention
  • Cotton Variety-Fengzamian No.1

    Cotton Variety-Fengzamian No.1

    Fengzamian No. 1 was selected by Fengle seed Co., Ltd., and its female parent was genic male sterile line. The male parent has comprehensive resistance, and the variety has high yield, stable yield, disease resistance, insect resistance and high quality. In January 2003, it passed the variety approval of Anhui Province, numbered Wanmian 20. The characteristic growth period is about 130 days, the plant tower is compact, the plant height is 107 cm, the growth is steady, and there is no premature senescence. The boll setting ability is strong, the boll is large, the single boll weight is 5.6 grams, and the lint percentage is 42.08% higher. The florescence is smooth and white, and the pre-frost flowering rate is more than 80%. Yield performance 20

  • Measures of soil management and protection in cherry orchard with shallow roots, no drought resistance and no wind resistance

    Measures of soil management and protection in cherry orchard with shallow roots, no drought resistance and no wind resistance

    Measures of soil management and protection in cherry orchard with shallow roots, no drought resistance and no wind resistance

  • Onion King Hybrid No.1

    Onion King Hybrid No.1

    Variety source: scallion King Hybrid No.1 is a new green onion variety bred by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Changling County, Jilin Province, using high-tech hybrid breeding technology. it has the leading level of disease resistance, high quality and high yield at home and abroad. Characteristics: this variety has been popularized for 3 years and has been planted in various provinces and cities. it is characterized by disease resistance, cold resistance, lodging resistance, strong root system, rapid growth, high yield, high quality and resistance to storage and transportation. The plant height is 150ml 165 cm, the leaf color is dark green, there are no yellow leaves in autumn harvest, and the plant is white, 65mil 75cm, cylindrical.

  • Qiangfeng No.2 (soybean)

    Qiangfeng No.2 (soybean)

    "Qiangfeng No.2" is a new soybean strain selected from the mutant "Xingnong No.2" by Shanxian crop Variety Research Institute in Shandong Province. This strain not only has all the characteristics of high yield, lodging resistance and high quality of "Xingnong No.2", but also has disaster resistance and lodging resistance. Characteristics. Sub-limited pod habit, plant height 120,000cm, branch 3murmur4 ("Xingnong No.2" does not branch), about 120 pods per plant, a maximum of 260 pods, pods on the main stem and branches are equal, 33 pods account for more than 95%.

  • Introduction of a series of red tomato varieties, the characteristics of Hongman 1 and Hongbei Fanyu 1 / 2 Caiyu 3 tomato

    Introduction of a series of red tomato varieties, the characteristics of Hongman 1 and Hongbei Fanyu 1 / 2 Caiyu 3 tomato

    There are many varieties of tomatoes, so what kinds of tomatoes do you know? Next, I would like to introduce you to five varieties of tomatoes. Let's take a look at whether you know these varieties or not. Hongman No.1 
: a new tomato variety resistant to TY. It can be infinite.

    2019-06-04 Red Tomato Series Variety introduction Hongman No.1 and Hongbei
  • Introduction to the characteristics of excellent pumpkin varieties Huaya No.1 Taishan and Huaya No.2 Youwang, what is the yield?

    Introduction to the characteristics of excellent pumpkin varieties Huaya No.1 Taishan and Huaya No.2 Youwang, what is the yield?

    Do you know Taizao Huali pumpkin? Today I'd like to introduce two new varieties of pumpkins to you. Let's take a look at them together. As the virus disease of pumpkin is becoming more and more serious, Hualien Agricultural Reform Farm and Asian vegetable-World vegetable Center have officially cooperated with anti-virus pumpkin products since 1991.

    2019-06-12 Pumpkin Fine Flower Ya No.1 Taishan and Huaya
  • A New High-yielding Soybean Line-Qiangfeng No.2

    A New High-yielding Soybean Line-Qiangfeng No.2

    "Qiangfeng No.2" is a new soybean strain selected from the mutant "Xingnong No.2" by Shanxian crop Variety Research Institute in Shandong Province. This strain not only has all the characteristics of high yield, lodging resistance and high quality of "Xingnong No.2", but also has disaster resistance and lodging resistance. Characteristics. Sub-limited pod habit, plant height 120mm 130 cm, branches 3 Mel 4 ("Xingnong No.2" does not branch), about 120 pods per plant, a maximum of 260 pods, pods on main stem and branches are equal, 33 pods account for

  • Fujimoto Romantic Baby: one of the best Fujimoto roses in summer can set the standard at high temperatures.

    Fujimoto Romantic Baby: one of the best Fujimoto roses in summer can set the standard at high temperatures.

    Rose is known as the queen of flowers, but after summer, it is not even a maid! Rose post bar, forum, website no longer live up to the spring scene, now it's almost all wailing! "after 30 ℃ of sunshine for a day, I want to si." "what?

  • Gongdou No. 8 (Gong No. 91-1) (soybean)

    Gongdou No. 8 (Gong No. 91-1) (soybean)

    The main results are as follows: (1) Variety source: it was selected from the cross between Gongdou 7 and D11-1 (an excellent line crossed between Zaoshu 6 and Aojiao early selection line) used by Zigong Institute of Agricultural Sciences. (2) characteristics: the variety has high yield, stable yield, large grain, lodging resistance and virus resistance. The whole growth period was 104 days, 3.5 days longer than that of the control, 1.45 grade of disease resistance, 0.6 grade lighter than the control, 1.1 grade of lodging resistance, stronger than the control, the complete grain rate reached 90.9%, and the 100-grain weight was 23g, 5.8 higher than the control.
